Grateful thanks

The Committee would like to express our grateful thanks to the staff at NFU who chose Hardiman Fields as the location for their community volunteering day. This is the report posted on their internal network

On Monday 30th September, the PSLGV team (Professional Standards, Learning Governance and Vendor) in HR Division spent the day volunteering at Hardiman Fields in Shipston-on-Stour.

The campsite is owned by Girlguiding Warwickshire and is used by Guiding, Scouting and Duke of Edinburgh groups as it is such a fantastic site.

Our task was to prepare the 9-acre campsite for the upcoming winter months by clearing woodland pathways and generally tidying up any debris caused by the recent weather conditions.

Despite the drizzling rain on and off throughout the day, we had a great (and extremely satisfying) time chopping through undergrowth and weeding and tidying around the various outbuildings. We even managed to help a neighbour retrieve her boat which had broken free in the recent flooding and made its way onto the campsite bank!

It was a wonderful feeling to give something back to the community, but we also enjoyed the day from a team perspective. Working in the outdoors together, sharing a picnic lunch and stepping away from the usual routine has brought us closer (not forgetting the benefits to our personal health and wellbeing too) and it was definitely good for the soul! 🙌